Minutes of Alderton Road Safety Group Meeting
22nd July, 3pm, at Alderton Village Hall
Present: Keith Page, Jenny Goodson (Gloucestershire Highways) Andrew Parker-Mowbray (Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership), Victoria Copas, Rob Phillips, Jonathan Everitt, Paul Smith, Roger Knapp, Jason Keats (Tactical Lead for Traffic Management and Roads Policing), Tamsin James (Clerk to Alderton Parish Council)
Apologies: Jim Hinder, Gary Handley
Keith Page reported on the present slow progress of the Group’s aims. There was a question mark over the suitability of the gates as they were not designed for placement on roads with high traffic speeds. The locations suggested by Gloucestershire Highways design team appeared to reduce visibility at the junctions. The cost of the gates was also questionable as it was a significant proportion of the Parish Council’s budget, along with the maintenance implications that would be created.
Jenny Goodson confirmed that Gloucestershire Highways could make the gates scheme work if the Group agreed that this was the right option to pursue. County Councillors had been given a £20k budget each, for Highways schemes and Alderton could request some of this money towards the cost of the gates.
Another option was to look more at the safety campaign angle eg moveable signs, SIDs, as this could prove to be a better investment. It would be a challenge to find a safe area on a high speed road, but a SID would work.
The question was raised as to whether three visits was normal for enforcement. In one instance the camera caught three drivers in 4.5 hours and on another occasion one car was caught in two hours outside Frampton cottages. In comparison with other areas this location would not be prioritised. It was agreed that the time of day was an issue and enforcement should be targeted between 7am and 8am and 6.30pm to 8pm to catch the peaks.
Keith Page reported that the Parish Council had agreed expenditure for a traffic survey in the following locations: Tewkesbury side of Greenings garage in the dip, near the sub-station on the B4077, Willow Bank Road and Gretton Fields. Jenny Goodson agreed to research setting this up together with costs. Jenny also agreed to investigate signage costs which detailed junction layouts.
Questions on speed cameras and CCTV footage were discussed. Speed cameras were purchased by the Road Safety Partnership but central government received all the money generated from the fines. There were far fewer restrictions on individuals installing CCTV, than on parish councils.
Jenny Goodson confirmed that the remainder of the B4077 in the parish would be patched in September 2013 and then surface dressed in 2014.
It was noted that HGV’s were often seen exceeding their limit of 40mph on the B4077. It was agreed that the speed camera van could look at HGV speeds. Community led letters to local hauliers regarding excessive speed were deemed more effective than those generated by the Police. Speed concerns and incidents could be reported electronically on the Tom Tom website.
Roger Knapp agreed to co-ordinate training for hand held speed devices for use within the village. SID’s could be used on higher speed roads and training for both pieces of equipment could be undertaken at the same time. Hand held devices cost around £100 to £150 and this could be purchased by the Parish Council if speed checks were being done on a regular basis. The following actions were agreed:
Gates - Jenny Goodson would get a timescale for these by the end of the week and put some options together, along with some prices.
Alderton directional sign – additional signing options could be added to this existing sign.
SID – locations could be agreed during training. The Clerk would ask Dumbleton Parish Council what their SID had cost. (Usually around £2k/£2.5k).
Camera Van – this would visit and target specific times, earlier and later in the day. Keith Page requested a copy of the data from this. Details of the Wednesday Bike Night locations were available on Cotswold Bikers Night website.
National speed limit review – Jenny Goodson confirmed that the principles remained the same and the revisions dealt mainly with 20mph areas.
Traffic monitoring – Jenny Goodson would ascertain a price for this and also obtain the traffic monitoring figures which were taken on an annual basis. September was a likely timescale for undertaking the monitoring.
White lining - would be reviewed next year outside Frampton Cottages, but not around the garage. Additional lining options could be investigated at this time.
Footpath opposite caravan site – Jenny Goodson would investigate some low cost levelling which would make the verge easier to mow.
Gloucestershire Highways were monitoring all surface dressing sites in the County which had been undertaken within the last five years. All necessary treating and signage were being done as required.
22nd July, 3pm, at Alderton Village Hall
Present: Keith Page, Jenny Goodson (Gloucestershire Highways) Andrew Parker-Mowbray (Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership), Victoria Copas, Rob Phillips, Jonathan Everitt, Paul Smith, Roger Knapp, Jason Keats (Tactical Lead for Traffic Management and Roads Policing), Tamsin James (Clerk to Alderton Parish Council)
Apologies: Jim Hinder, Gary Handley
Keith Page reported on the present slow progress of the Group’s aims. There was a question mark over the suitability of the gates as they were not designed for placement on roads with high traffic speeds. The locations suggested by Gloucestershire Highways design team appeared to reduce visibility at the junctions. The cost of the gates was also questionable as it was a significant proportion of the Parish Council’s budget, along with the maintenance implications that would be created.
Jenny Goodson confirmed that Gloucestershire Highways could make the gates scheme work if the Group agreed that this was the right option to pursue. County Councillors had been given a £20k budget each, for Highways schemes and Alderton could request some of this money towards the cost of the gates.
Another option was to look more at the safety campaign angle eg moveable signs, SIDs, as this could prove to be a better investment. It would be a challenge to find a safe area on a high speed road, but a SID would work.
The question was raised as to whether three visits was normal for enforcement. In one instance the camera caught three drivers in 4.5 hours and on another occasion one car was caught in two hours outside Frampton cottages. In comparison with other areas this location would not be prioritised. It was agreed that the time of day was an issue and enforcement should be targeted between 7am and 8am and 6.30pm to 8pm to catch the peaks.
Keith Page reported that the Parish Council had agreed expenditure for a traffic survey in the following locations: Tewkesbury side of Greenings garage in the dip, near the sub-station on the B4077, Willow Bank Road and Gretton Fields. Jenny Goodson agreed to research setting this up together with costs. Jenny also agreed to investigate signage costs which detailed junction layouts.
Questions on speed cameras and CCTV footage were discussed. Speed cameras were purchased by the Road Safety Partnership but central government received all the money generated from the fines. There were far fewer restrictions on individuals installing CCTV, than on parish councils.
Jenny Goodson confirmed that the remainder of the B4077 in the parish would be patched in September 2013 and then surface dressed in 2014.
It was noted that HGV’s were often seen exceeding their limit of 40mph on the B4077. It was agreed that the speed camera van could look at HGV speeds. Community led letters to local hauliers regarding excessive speed were deemed more effective than those generated by the Police. Speed concerns and incidents could be reported electronically on the Tom Tom website.
Roger Knapp agreed to co-ordinate training for hand held speed devices for use within the village. SID’s could be used on higher speed roads and training for both pieces of equipment could be undertaken at the same time. Hand held devices cost around £100 to £150 and this could be purchased by the Parish Council if speed checks were being done on a regular basis. The following actions were agreed:
Gates - Jenny Goodson would get a timescale for these by the end of the week and put some options together, along with some prices.
Alderton directional sign – additional signing options could be added to this existing sign.
SID – locations could be agreed during training. The Clerk would ask Dumbleton Parish Council what their SID had cost. (Usually around £2k/£2.5k).
Camera Van – this would visit and target specific times, earlier and later in the day. Keith Page requested a copy of the data from this. Details of the Wednesday Bike Night locations were available on Cotswold Bikers Night website.
National speed limit review – Jenny Goodson confirmed that the principles remained the same and the revisions dealt mainly with 20mph areas.
Traffic monitoring – Jenny Goodson would ascertain a price for this and also obtain the traffic monitoring figures which were taken on an annual basis. September was a likely timescale for undertaking the monitoring.
White lining - would be reviewed next year outside Frampton Cottages, but not around the garage. Additional lining options could be investigated at this time.
Footpath opposite caravan site – Jenny Goodson would investigate some low cost levelling which would make the verge easier to mow.
Gloucestershire Highways were monitoring all surface dressing sites in the County which had been undertaken within the last five years. All necessary treating and signage were being done as required.