CCTV Cameras were placed outside Frampton Cottages in June 2012 for 24 - 36 Hours.
This footage is the "highlights"
This footage is the "highlights"
In conclusion the Highways and Road Safety representatives have made the following comments:
The group have met this summary with some dismay and would like to make their own comments.
- 99.5% of observed vehicles do not contravene the overtaking restrictions
- In a period of approx 2 days just one overtaking event appeared "particularly reckless"
- There may be a need to check how appropriate the double white lines are at this location.
The group have met this summary with some dismay and would like to make their own comments.
- Over the time the CCTV cameras were in place some 3,250 vehicles were observed.
- The film clearly showed at least 28 over-takings
- What speed were some of those drivers doing?
- Only 1 reckless !! define reckless !
- Do drivers like that really take any notice of white lines?