Notes of meeting held on 9th July 2012 at Corner Cottage B&B 7:00pm
Present: Keith Page, Jim H, Rob Phillips, Paul Smith, Bernard Gill (Gretton), Victoria Copas, Jonathan Everett, Roger Knapp.
The meeting was called as a result of a recent fatality at the garage on the
B4077 near Alderton. This had followed a number of accidents along the road this year. For months the road has been in various states of repair with 20mph skid risk signs left out and covered at times in loose gravel ( cat litter size)
To try to improve safety a prevous meeting had suggested various schemes ranging from a 40mph limit along the whole length and including local improvements in road layout and signage at hazards.
There was some discussion about:-
Difficulties of waiting to turn into the Alderton turn opposite the garage with traffic not realising turning traffic had stopped Speed of traffic out of the Village up to the garage junction.
Difficulties of turning into driveways at Frampton Cottages with traffic not realising turning traffic had stopped Traffic speeds generally along the B4077 and in the Village Where in other places a new 40 speed limit had been put in for no apparent reason, the difficulties with such a limit and subsequent 30mph limit In recent years new double white lines have removed most overtaking opportunities between Ford and Toddington. Is Frampton Cottages now the first opportunity?
Access to the Frampton cottages Caravan site and use of the verges to a cross field footpath to Alderton Following the accident resurfacing of the rest of the road from the Alderton turn to Frampton cottages had been put on hold, when was it going to be restarted and would that really be beneficial considering the work already carried out?
The DfT guidance for setting local speed limits and whether Frampton Cottages could be called part of Alderton. This to be raised with Highways at the next meeting.
Attention concentrated on two areas
Frampton Cottages
Flowers & shrubs could be planted and verges tidied. The phone box by the cottages is due for removal apparently, but until that happens it would benefit from a tidy up (strimmer).
Gretton & Alderton turns
Investigate a Gateway to the village feature ("welcome to" signs) - perhaps 2 sets one either side of the garage and junction to Gretton and the other set either end of the Cottages.
Other signage is possible (not permanent but could be moved around) - could be witty and pertinent.
Gateways mentioned in Oxfordshire eg Aynho
The road is due to be resurfaced which gives an opportunity to put forward suggestions of white line changes eg could the Dibden Lane junction, the Cottages and Camp Site entrance be double white lined?
Perhaps Red Tarmac areas saying "SLOW DOWN", and also revisit the lineage from the Garage down to the Hobnails including the dip.
Enforcement measures were discussed, borrow a "SID" Speed indicating device which flashes the drivers speed and discuss whether speed camera signs which are permitted to allow for mobile speed traps.
Precedents - When driving around the county - can you contact us of you see a similar set of circumstances to those that we have - where there is a lower speed limit in force.
Shuthonger, near Tewkesbury, has a main road garage / pub and the village, is off the main road. Their speed limit is 50mph does it work?
We have been given a large size map of the area to use to devise an overall plan (where to site the gates, what lineage we require, and highlight where accidents have occurred.
Next meeting Monday 16th July
Next meeting Monday 16th July
Present: Keith Page, Jim H, Rob Phillips, Paul Smith, Bernard Gill (Gretton), Victoria Copas, Jonathan Everett, Roger Knapp.
The meeting was called as a result of a recent fatality at the garage on the
B4077 near Alderton. This had followed a number of accidents along the road this year. For months the road has been in various states of repair with 20mph skid risk signs left out and covered at times in loose gravel ( cat litter size)
To try to improve safety a prevous meeting had suggested various schemes ranging from a 40mph limit along the whole length and including local improvements in road layout and signage at hazards.
There was some discussion about:-
Difficulties of waiting to turn into the Alderton turn opposite the garage with traffic not realising turning traffic had stopped Speed of traffic out of the Village up to the garage junction.
Difficulties of turning into driveways at Frampton Cottages with traffic not realising turning traffic had stopped Traffic speeds generally along the B4077 and in the Village Where in other places a new 40 speed limit had been put in for no apparent reason, the difficulties with such a limit and subsequent 30mph limit In recent years new double white lines have removed most overtaking opportunities between Ford and Toddington. Is Frampton Cottages now the first opportunity?
Access to the Frampton cottages Caravan site and use of the verges to a cross field footpath to Alderton Following the accident resurfacing of the rest of the road from the Alderton turn to Frampton cottages had been put on hold, when was it going to be restarted and would that really be beneficial considering the work already carried out?
The DfT guidance for setting local speed limits and whether Frampton Cottages could be called part of Alderton. This to be raised with Highways at the next meeting.
Attention concentrated on two areas
Frampton Cottages
Flowers & shrubs could be planted and verges tidied. The phone box by the cottages is due for removal apparently, but until that happens it would benefit from a tidy up (strimmer).
Gretton & Alderton turns
Investigate a Gateway to the village feature ("welcome to" signs) - perhaps 2 sets one either side of the garage and junction to Gretton and the other set either end of the Cottages.
Other signage is possible (not permanent but could be moved around) - could be witty and pertinent.
Gateways mentioned in Oxfordshire eg Aynho
The road is due to be resurfaced which gives an opportunity to put forward suggestions of white line changes eg could the Dibden Lane junction, the Cottages and Camp Site entrance be double white lined?
Perhaps Red Tarmac areas saying "SLOW DOWN", and also revisit the lineage from the Garage down to the Hobnails including the dip.
Enforcement measures were discussed, borrow a "SID" Speed indicating device which flashes the drivers speed and discuss whether speed camera signs which are permitted to allow for mobile speed traps.
Precedents - When driving around the county - can you contact us of you see a similar set of circumstances to those that we have - where there is a lower speed limit in force.
Shuthonger, near Tewkesbury, has a main road garage / pub and the village, is off the main road. Their speed limit is 50mph does it work?
We have been given a large size map of the area to use to devise an overall plan (where to site the gates, what lineage we require, and highlight where accidents have occurred.
Next meeting Monday 16th July
Next meeting Monday 16th July