ROAD CONDITION After the two major accidents (one fatal) it was apparent that the road surface on the "resurfaced" section was not safe. The section from the Gretton junction to the Black Sheds has yet to be done, but it goes without saying that when it is done it will be done properly first time. INCREASE AWARENESS It is not apparent when approaching "the village" that there are residencies along the stretch from just before the garage to past the Dibden Lane junction. It is recommended that we erect "gateways" either side of Frampton Cottages and another set between the Sub Station and past the garage. SPEED LIMIT We are trawling through the relevant DofT guidelines in order to secure a reduction in the speed limit on the stretch of road between the "Black Sheds" and the Hobnails. ROAD MARKINGS (LINEAGE) There are concerns that the white lines past the cottages need reviewing (the double white lines do not cover the whole frontage of the cottages). There is also concern that the lineage between the Hobnails would need re-thinking. JUNCTIONS / ACCESSES Coming from Toddington there are numerous places where vehicles will be leaving or entering the B4077.
EMPOWERMENT Drivers who take no notice of the current speed limit, will also take no notice of any speed limit reduction, Why ? because they can. SIGNAGE Any road signs must be informational and relevant and tell the driver what the danger is. Too many signs will confuse. Junctions and accesses must be more clearly defined, |
PROGRESS By lobbying the various agencies, and the local press we have succeeded in "persuading" them to rectify the road condition. Work is ongoing to repair the section of road that had been re-surfaced unsatisfactorily. PROGRESS We have applied for a Highways Planting Licence. We are also liaising with highways regarding the exact siting and funding for the gateways and planters It is also possible one we get the licence to erect our own signs (witty) that we can swap around (limit for a hand made sign is 3 months). We need to ensure grass verges are maintained. The phone box will be "purchased" (£1), and plans to paint it and make it look "current". PROPOSALS Speed tests were carried out some time ago which revealed that the mean speed is just under 50mph. Although the guidelines suggest that even accounting for the 10 Cottages, Holt Farm (& offices), Holtash, Brooklands Farm and the campsite, that there are not enough alone to justify a reduction down to 30mph ("village"), We are hoping that the other considerations on the road like bends, dips and the plethora of junctions, drive ways and accesses (Camp Site) will add weight to our proposals. Statistics from the Caravan & Camp site : The site has 80 touring pitches and 10 lodges, with an occupancy level of approx. 80% 12.00 midday is a peak changeover time when we have units leaving / entering site. Add to this 2x weekly bin collections, weekly deliveries, daily post. Units range from small motorhomes to 34 feet RV's and towed caravans up to 28 feet. PROPOSALS Sadly we have been informed that as part of the ongoing road repairs, the white lines between the Hobnails and the Garage will be done according to "guidelines" which in places allows a vehicle to overtake less than 200 yards from a blind bend. We will propose that at the time the stretch from the Gretton Junction to the Black Sheds is done that the lines are made more relevant. We also propose some road narrowing techniques be employed "Dragons teeeth" etc. PROPOSALS It is hoped that by reducing the speed limit we will reduce the risk involved for vehicles leaving or entering the B4077 Many of the junctions & accesses are made even more dangerous due to reduced visibility, unkempt hedgerows, and dips & peaks in the road. Best example is approaching the B4077 from Winchcombe and trying to go straight over or turn right, there is literally only around 200 yards visibility - a car exceeding the speed limit would cover that distance in seconds. We need to make it clear through signage that these "hazards" exist - notably the cottages and camp site. Maintenance of the verges & hedgerow is important as is the placement of temporary signs to avoid blocking views. TRAFFIC LIGHTS Traffic lights at the Gretton / Alderton staggered junction would significantly slow the traffic flow PROPOSALS Speed Camera Signs Vehicle Activated Signs CID (flash speed back at driver) PROGRESS There will be an increased Police presence we have been told. But long term permanent solutions must still be sought. PROPOSALS One of the main problems is the Gretton / Alderton staggered junction. This sign needs replacing. It is also thought that the caravan & camping site should be better sign posted. |